This is my biannual post asking for your prayers during an incredibly stressful time- law school finals. I'll paint the picture for you.
My first final is in T minus 8 days and my last final is in 17 days. The next three weeks of my life will look like this (if they are anything like last year with added info from this round of Russian Roulette):
I will wake up after getting 6-8 hours of sleep, have my first cup of coffee and go to school.
I will take over a table in the library or in one of the classrooms where I will sit for about ten hours reading, making notecards, reviewing, highlighting, and typing. After compiling all my notes from the semester, I will put those into an outline form that ends up being about 50 pages for each class. I will virtually memorize this 50 page document.
In order to prepare appropriately, I will take "practice tests" which are the professors previous years exams. Each practice test is 2-3 hours. Ideally, I will take about eight total.
These exams are 100% of my grade. Unlike last year when a multiple choice was 1/3 of my grade and essays were 2/3, this semester all of exams are only essays except for one. I'm not sure how this will turn out, but hopefully it helps me.
As Thanksgiving is approaching, I have millions of things to be thankful for. After reading 1000 Gifts (great book, highly recommended), I've integrated extreme thankfulness into every day. I have a wonderful support system, which includes many of you readers. I do not appreciate you often enough, even though I am much more negligent about posting than I should be.
The best thing about stress is, as soon as you trudge through it, it's over !
On December 12, it will be over ! AND I'll be HALF way done with law school !!!
(Post Title: The Lumineers, The Big Parade - song on repeat)
Praying!!! And I LOVE A Thousand Gifts. Love you, too! You just go and keep being amazing!