Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Law and Life update

Law school update: I am still waiting on 13 schools before I make my decision. I have been accepted to 10 schools, some of which have offered scholarship. I feel remarkably blessed and thrilled to be privileged to be making this decision and you can be assured I will be seeking your opinion and guidance as it gets closer. Keep praying that I hear from those schools by April 1st so that my decision can be completely informed and I can be confident I will be committing to the right place.

In other news, I officially told my boss at the private academy where I work in the afternoons that my last days will be the second week of April. Though I love many of my students there and I think they will be genuinely sad to see me leave, I have thought and prayed long and hard and I feel strongly this is the right decision. I want to travel more, explore more, rest more and "aburrirme" (bore myself) and relax before I enter prison that will be law school. I know I need to take advantage of this opportunity because I will never have it again and I think this is the best way to do that.

I will land in Atlanta on March 30th, I would love to see you (assuming you are in Atlanta) for a long, enjoyable visit, but most likely it won´t happen. I want to try though! Ill be in Atlanta that night, the 31st and half of the 1st. On the 1st, I fly to NYC for a few days to look at law schools there. On the 3rd, I fly to LA to spend a few days with my lifelong friends there and Dad. Oh, and also look at law schools. On Saturday, I will fly back across the great United States to sleep in my own bed one last night in Atlanta before heading back to Madrid Sunday afternoon. It´s going to be a worldwind of a trip but I am excited to see as much as I can, as many friends as possible and to finally make a decision about schools. Keep me posted on where YOU will be so we can coordinate!

Just over 10 more days til ChicFilA will be in my mouth. YESSSSSS.
The next post will be long and full of pictures from my weekend´s spectacular adventure, so get excited!

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